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Detailed programme

Please download the detailed programme here


Scketch Engine is a powerful online environment for corpus analysis. In this hands-on workshop, Ana Frankenberg Garcia will illustrate the most relevant features of this tool for linguistic investigation and translation. 


- € 60 for conference attendees

- € 80 for externals

Payment at the conference check-in.

Event in collaboration with ALSP - Associazione di Studi di Lingua Portoghese

Limited places available. Please reserve your place here.

Social dinner

Friendly, informal social dinner, for a taste of traditional local cuisine, at Fiori di Zucca, via Forlanini 26, Lecce.
•    You can choose between a vegetarian menu, and a standard one. 

•    The standard menu does not include pork or fish. 
•    Upon request we can adjust any menu to the needs of celiac guests.
Price: € 40
Payment at the conference check-in.
Maximum seats: 60. We apologize for this but, we can only accept up to 60 reservations. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served base. Given the limited number of seats available, we can accept reservations for conference participants only.
To book you dinner, please register here

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